One month after the initial launch, Mahindra gave a thorough description of the all-new Scorpio-N in India. The new Scorpio-N is a whole new vehicle that, according to the automaker, has nothing in common with the outgoing model. The third-generation ladder-frame design that the new SUV is built on preserves the toughness of its forerunner while bringing about major enhancements in ride comfort, handling, noise, vibration, harshness (NVH), and safety.
The Mahindra Scorpio-N is an SUV with a ladder frame and is available with both gasoline and diesel engines as well as an optional all-wheel drive system.
The Scorpio-N features classic off-roader dimensions in terms of design, although it has a more aerodynamic profile than its predecessor. The new Mahindra symbol is incorporated into the chrome-infused grille, and the LED lighting units have a much more contemporary appearance.
The Scorpio-three N's rows of seats allow it to accommodate 7 persons inside the cabin. A central touchscreen measuring 8 inches and a second screen measuring 7 inches are included in the cabin. The Sony 3D Immersive sound system, which comes with 12 speakers in the top trim, is connected to the media system. The AdrenoX-powered infotainment system is compatible with more than 70 apps, including remote control functions, Alexa voice assistance, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, and more. The sunroof and the coffee/black leatherette interior are additional attractions.
The Mahindra Scorpio-N is offered in both gasoline and diesel versions, as was stated at the outset. The 2.2-liter mHawk diesel engine produces 173 hp and 400 Nm of torque, while the 2.0-liter TGDi mStallion petrol engine generates 197 hp and 380 Nm. Both engines are compatible with a six-speed manual or automatic transmissions, with rear-wheel drive as the default and all-wheel drive as an option.
The driver can switch between 2WD and 4WD thanks to the 4XPLOR intelligent terrain management system.
Additionally, the Mahindra Scorpio-N provides three driving modes: Zip for smooth driving, Zap for off-road driving, and Zoom (performance).
In partnership with the Mahindra North American Technical Center (MNATC) in the US, engineering was done at the Mahindra Research Valley (MRV) close to Chennai in India. Italian design firm Pininfarina and the Mahindra India Design Studio collaborated on the creation of the new vehicle (MIDS). The Scorpio-N will be manufactured in India, but it is a worldwide design that will soon be sold in other markets.
The Scorpio-N has penta-link rear suspension with a Watts link mechanism in addition to a double-wishbone front suspension.
The Chakan facility in Pune, India will produce the Mahindra Scorpio-N. In India, prices range from $15,178 for the base 44 trim to $24,673 for the top-of-the-line model. The Scorpio-initial N's deliveries are planned for the holiday season, which is later in the year.