Super Bowl Boomed Tesla Orders, Buyers Should Wait A Long Time

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Will Tesla ever be able to catch up? That is the question that the CEO of this company made. Actually, the number of sales has dramatically increased after Sumer Bowl tournament. As Elon Musk confirmed the rise of sales for the coming years, but also now are here with call for Tesla.

Actually, Tesla was not the only electric automaker at the matches. Despite of the struggles that tesla has and also world crazy war, they has already raised the price tag of products, may to calm down the number of reservations. Musk made it clear that while raising prices may work to slow demand. This situation for a country like USA is not a big deal. Also, as point of logistics, this company has never waited for large number of cars in garage, just like many others. Few advertising and negative advertisement for the “anti-sell” policy to buy more time and decrease the waiting time.

However, even this company rose the prices and cut the number of the cars, yet more people want to have their own Tesla. After Super Bowl this number just boomed. Once again, the number of orders soared and the price of the fuel is the other reason to it. So, keep it clear, Tesla is not a demand limited, they are production limited.

At the Super Bowl companies like BMW, GM, GMC, Kia, Hyundai, Polestar came up with more than one ads for their newest EVs. And they were successful too. The attention is on them.

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