Additional details about the Avatr 06 have surfaced ahead of its anticipated launch in the second quarter of 2025. Previously referred to by its internal code name E16, this sedan marks the fourth model in the Avatr lineup. Prices are expected to start below $34,150, making it a competitively priced option in the electric vehicle (EV) market. The Avatr 06 will be offered in both all-electric and extended-range EV (EREV) versions, with specific information on battery capacities and driving ranges now available.
The Avatr 06 measures 4855 mm in length, 1960 mm in width, and 1450 mm in height, with a wheelbase of 2940 mm. Its design is inspired by the Avatr 2.0 concept, maintaining a sleek and futuristic aesthetic. Customers will have a choice of six exterior color options. While the interior specifics remain unconfirmed, it is expected to resemble the layout of the Avatr 07. This likely includes a 15.6-inch floating infotainment screen and a 35.4-inch wide surround screen integrated into the dashboard. For models equipped with side-view cameras, two 6.7-inch displays are anticipated for visual feedback.
The system is likely to be powered by Huawei’s HarmonyOS 4.0, ensuring a seamless and advanced digital experience.
The all-electric version of the Avatr 06 features a 72.88 kWh battery pack. This provides a range of 650 km for the single-motor variant and 600 km for the dual-motor variant, based on the CLTC (China Light-Duty Vehicle Test Cycle) standard. The single-motor version is powered by a 252 kW electric motor located on the rear axle. For the dual-motor version, an additional 188 kW motor is added to the front axle, delivering enhanced performance and all-wheel drive capabilities.
For those opting for the EREV variant, the Avatr 06 comes with a smaller 31.7 kWh battery pack, delivering an all-electric range of 170 km. This version is powered by a 231 kW electric motor, supplemented by a 1.5T gasoline engine generating 115 kW, which acts as a range extender. While the battery capacities for the Avatr 06 are slightly lower than those of the Avatr 07, both models share the same powertrain configurations. The Avatr 06 can be viewed as a sedan counterpart to the 07 SUV, offering similar technological and performance attributes but with a different body style.
All batteries used in the Avatr 06 are lithium iron phosphate (LFP) units, sourced from CATL, a key shareholder in the Avatr brand alongside Changan. This ensures reliability and efficiency, solidifying the Avatr 06 as a strong contender in the EV market.